
设备类型 1 Hz to 462.5 kHz Oscillators
2 Hz
-40 to 85
Supply Voltage (V)
1.50 to 3.63
Package Size (mm x mm)
Package Height (mm)
Output Drive Strength*
Feature Pin
拉力范围(PPM PR)
Spread Percentage
DC-Coupled Output VOL or AC Swing

*See datasheet for details


G = 250 ct

Factory programmable down to 1 Hz

  • Significantly reduces power compared to fixed 32.768 kHz XTAL

芯片秤中最小的占地面积(CSP):1.5 x 0.8毫米

  • Saves board space by up to 80% compared to the 2012 SMD

Small SMD package: 2.0 x 1.2 mm (2012)

  • Pin-compatible to 2012 XTAL SMD

NanoPower: 900 nA (typ.)

  • Extends battery life

操作低至1.2 v

  • 必威体育官网手机登录支持硬币或超级电池备份

NanoDrive™ reduced swing oscillator output

  • Directly interfaces to MCU/PMIC/chipset XTAL IN
  • Programmable output swing minimizes power
  • Oscillator output eliminates load capacitor


  • 消除任何外部电容器
  • 消除任何外部电容器
  • 消除了加载依赖的启动问题


  • 与石英相比,2x更好的稳定性
  • Improves wireless connectivity and RTC accuracy

  • 无线鼠标
  • 无线键盘
  • 脉冲每秒(PPS)计时
  • RTC reference clock
  • Battery management timekeeping


Evaluation Boards联系Silime.-SiT6098 (1508)|SIT6096(2012)

Reliability Calculator-获取适合/ MTBF数据以进行各种操作条件

SMD 2012 4-PINS|CSP 1508 4-Pins- 预览包装QFN.3D step models


资源名称 Type
硅MEMS可靠性和弹性 Presentations
Performance Comparison: Silicon MEMS Verses Quartz Oscillators Presentations
How to Measure Clock Jitter in Precision Timing Applications Presentations
How to Measure Phase Jitter and Phase Noise in Precision Timing Applications Presentations
SiT15xx 32 kHz NanoDrive™ Output Presentations
Silicon MEMS vs Quartz Supply Chain Presentations
电力意识和更环保应用的时钟功能 White Papers
MEMS Oscillators: Enabling Smaller, Lower Power Wearables White Papers
硅MEMS振荡器为LED照明提供了益处 White Papers
MEMS Timekeeper Extends Standby Life of Mobile Devices White Papers
MEMS定时解决方案改进触摸屏设备 White Papers
MEMS定时技术:破碎石英时机的约束来改进智能移动设备 White Papers
MEMS oscillators improve reliability and system performance in motor control applications White Papers
MEMS-Based Resonators and Oscillators are Now Replacing Quartz Presentations
Getting In Touch with MEMS: The Electromechanical Interface Presentations
智能时钟技术延长了可穿戴物的电池寿命 Presentations
SiT1534 Datasheet 数据表s
AN10002 Termination Recommendations for Single-ended Oscillator Driving Single or Multiple Loads 申请笔记
J-AN10006 発振器のPCBデザインのガイドライン 申请笔记
AN10006最佳设计和布局实践 申请笔记
AN10007 Clock Jitter Definitions and Measurement Methods 申请笔记
J-AN10007 クロックジッタの定義と測定方法 申请笔记
SiTime発振器の信頼性計算方法 Technology Papers
AN10025 Reliability Calculations for SiTime Oscillators 申请笔记
J-AN10028プローブプローブ使使使しししたのの波形波形计测方法 申请笔记
AN10028 Probing Oscillator Output 申请笔记
MEMSおよび水晶ベース発振器の電磁場感受率の比較 Technology Papers
基于MEMS和石英振荡器的电磁敏感性比较 Technology Papers
MEMS発振器材と水晶仪器のの比较(耐冲撃と移动) Technology Papers
基于MEMS和石英振荡器的冲击和振动比较 Technology Papers
J-AN10033 発振器の周波数測定ガイドライン 申请笔记
AN10033 Frequency Measurement Guidelines for Oscillators 申请笔记
J-AN10037低低电力MCUの32khz発振动作モードsit15xx制品の最适ドライブドライブ力设定 申请笔记
AN10037优化SIT15xx驱动器设置为32 kHz输入的低功耗MCU 申请笔记
J-AN10043 SiT15xxシリーズ(32 kHz発振器)の測定ガイドライン 申请笔记
AN10043 32 kHz SIT15xx振荡器的测量指南 申请笔记
シリコンMEMS発振器の耐性および信頼性 Technology Papers
Resilience and Reliability of Silicon MEMS Oscillators Technology Papers
J-AN10046 32 kHz Nano-Power MEMS 発振器による複数負荷駆動 申请笔记
AN10046 Driving Multiple Loads with 32 kHz Nano-Power MEMS Oscillators 申请笔记
SITIMEのMEMS FIRST™プロセス技术 Technology Papers
stime的MEMS First™和Episeal™流程 Technology Papers
The top 8 reasons to use an oscillator instead of a crystal resonator White Papers
MEMS Resonator Advantages - How MEMS Resonators Work Part 2 Presentations
How to Measure Long-term Jitter and Cycle-to-cycle Jitter in Precision Timing Applications Presentations
Silicon MEMS Oscillator Frequency Characteristics and Measurement Techniques Presentations
AN10052 IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) in ITU-T Standards 申请笔记
SC-AN10007 时钟抖动定义与测量方法 申请笔记
SC-AN10033 振荡器频率测量指南 申请笔记
AN10062 Phase Noise Measurement Guide for Oscillators 申请笔记
Phase Noise Measurement Tutorial Videos
PCI使用相位噪声分析仪表达REFCLK抖动符合性 Presentations
Advantages of MEMS Timing - Parameters Videos
SINIME MEMS振荡器 - 彻底改变定时市场 Videos
Training Module: Replacing Crystals with Oscillators Videos
How SiTime Saves Space for IOT, Wearable, and Mobile Applications Videos
CSP 1508 4-Pins 3D步骤模型
SMD 2012 4-PINS 3D步骤模型
SiTime MEMS Timing Solutions (8.5x11) Brochures/Fliers
SiTime MEMS Timing Solutions (A4) Brochures/Fliers
SiTime MEMS Timing Solutions (A4) Chinese Brochures/Fliers
Timing Solutions for Mobile & IoT Brochures/Fliers
SIT6098EBB评估板用户手册 User Manuals
Silicon Replaces Quartz (Japanese Subtitles) Videos
硅取代石英(中文字幕) Videos
Smart Meters 申请简报
SiT1534 (LVCMOS, 1.5 V) IBIS Models
SiT1534 (LVCMOS, 1.8 V) IBIS Models
SiT1534 (LVCMOS, 3.3 V) IBIS Models
SiTime MEMS First 工艺 Technology Papers
AN10073 How to Setup a Real-time Oscilloscope to Measure Jitter 申请笔记
AN10071计算领带电信应用因素 申请笔记
AN10070 Computing TIE Crest Factors for Non-telecom Applications 申请笔记
AN10072 Determine the Dominant Source of Phase Noise, by Inspection 申请笔记
AN10074 Removing Oscilloscope Noise from RMS Jitter Measurements 申请笔记