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Remove spurs in measured (x,y) data<7. View graphed results by clicking in the "Graph" tab below. Copyright SiTime Corp. All rights reserved. Perform Anti-logApply Trapezoidal RuleOffset Frequency (Hz) Raw Data (dBc/Hz) "Jitter Filter (dB) &Apply Jitter Filter (dB)" &UNFILTERED Phase Jitter: (Columns A-D)$FILTERED Phase Jitter: (Columns A-J)Enter Carrier Frequency and Jitter Filter Cutoff Frequencies Below:.Anti-log of Raw Data4This spreadsheet applies to jitter filters of type: INSTRUCTIONS:Apply Trapezoidal Rule. As/((s+w1)(s+w2)) | where A is DC gain    L6. Integrated results are shown in cells O19 (unfiltered) and O26 (filtered)\5. Change cells O8 to O10 to desired carrier frequency and jitter filter corner frequencies.=4. Fill Down columns C-J to include all rows of measured dataFilter Pole 1 =Filter Pole 2 =Note: This spreadsheet calculator assumes the entered data accurately represents a piecewise linear fit to the actual plotted data on a LINEAR-LINEAR scale. Breaking this assumption causes the Trapezoidal Rule to introduce error that over-estimates the resulting integrated phase jitter result. This means the entered data should have many closely spaced data points. The data shown above is just for example to illustrate the mechanics of the calculator.Last updated: 2 Sep 2021*F 'GI JLucc PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V!c^.IF$c*Ǩp.uUɆ ' 0!&ٛ?n)m6 %ж1kh􇊅rDK;j݄Tcە/:V5d]*GzWyE^!2|6m e[ hR<pЎ sEQ@^Yp} gmȬtDkD h1)J)*U2:"K֫B[71QH;} Hp9Uv5Fjo7~fzc%,ꂇ4MNyl2^En2-`*2;Ж/3+`Y-qA EYkUʹh'4ZJEpgǸۭm-N]*V8m̾U0?*䉒}P}6&gL2E\#YUd;; pȿ(m7BDg:!Rys?/m# q.K4=;- k_O_bNh5b{2A=q ibCWdM=nUI;ʁS94xO"h&o^H0Cn憦"ky]{ۂЋC5J̅dKdģIؗ!*=9w-rC!O(A pILDJTC~6`f'&^coTvӜu[*ik=jXid0m Hs'sd9 cgG+ih. 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