A small part from SiTime runs a big part of your world
Everyone expects the best from technology. Being connected and having access to information are taken for granted. But did you know that connectivity relies heavily on timing?
- 电池寿命会更短
- 互联网浏览将完全缓慢或停止
- Calls, emails, and text messages wouldn't be sent
Sentime Devices确保手机,平板电脑,智能手表和健身跟踪带中可靠的连接。此外,我们的时序解决方案比石英的功率高达40%,这意味着电池可以长时间运行。
Longer battery life
Minimizes BLE ON time with 3 ppm stability
LTE-DRX compliant, ensures connectivity
Featured Products
1.2 mm2, ±10 ppm, 900 nA ULP, 32.768 kHz XO
1.2 mm2,990 na ulp,32.768 kHz,±10 ppm tcxo
1.2 mm2,μpower,低抖动,1 hz至2 mhz,±5 ppm tcxo
1.2 mm2,μpower,低抖动,1 hz至2 mhz,±50 ppm xo
1.2 mm2, μPower, low jitter, 32.768 kHz, ±3 ppm TCXO
1.2 mm2,μpower,1 hz至462 kHz,±50 ppm xo
1.2 mm2,μpower,低抖动,32.768 kHz,±50 ppm xo
1.2 mm2, 32.768 kHz, ±5 ppm TCXO,对小分子气体不渗透
1.2 mm2,1 hz至2.5 mHz,±50 ppm xo,对小分子气体不渗透
“Garmin makes products that are engineered on the inside for life on the outside. Our innovation focuses on developing technologies that enable our customers to enrich their experiences as they pursue their passions. SiTime’s MEMS timing solutions help extend battery life across several of our product lines.”
Patrick Desbois
SiTime’sµ阿宝wer MEMS timing solutions offer a unique combination of ultra-small footprint, low power operation, and accuracy, making them ideal for clocking space-sensitive, battery-driven products. With programmable drive strength, these devices can drive multiple loads, such as the BLE sleep clock, RTC, audio, and other connectivity SOCs.Plus, they are availablein custom and low frequencies that quartz cannot support.
- Programmable frequency from 1 Hz to 26 MHz
- 小脚印,1.5x0.8 mm CSP(1.2mm2)或2.0x1.2 mm qfn
- Oscillator output drives multiple loads and eliminates XTALs
- Ultra-low power, as low as <1 µA
- NanoDrive™ programmable output swing lowers power
- 稳定性好像±3 ppm改善了计时和系统功率
- Robust performance and higher stability in harsh environments
- 新的拍摄器,对小分子气体不渗透
- Ultra-short lead times