振荡器和Super-TCXO™系列的频次ELITE平台™基于一种新颖的架构,包括Dualmems™模具和具有专有温度补偿方案和低噪声频率合成器的混合信号CMOS IC。该体系结构可实现出色的动态性能,超低抖动,宽频范围和可编程性。With DualMEMS technology, SiTime has leveraged the company’s vast MEMS design and fabrication expertise and an understanding of silicon as a thermal, mechanical, and electrical material to produce the world’s most accurate temperature sensor, resulting in OCXO-like performance with a much lower cost, lower power TCXO implementation. Fundamentally, it is the unique DualMEMS die construction and TurboCompensation™ temperature compensation that enable exceptional frequency stability over temperature and robustness to dynamic thermal disturbances. Quartz crystal based TCXOs are not capable of matching the stability and resiliency of DualMEMS Super-TCXO devices.